A Place of Her Own — AAWAA | Asian American Women Artists Association | SF
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A fiscally sponsored program of AAWAA



PLACE, (fiscally sponsored program of AAWAA), is an arts-based healing workshops and exhibitions using art making processes for self-reflection and group sharing to address ancestral and familial trauma, Cynthia Tom, director.

PLACE began in 2009 as de Young Museum residency curated by Cynthia. (AAWAA board president 2006 – 2018) Since 2015, PLACE has grown and moved outside of AAWAA evolving into an umbrella organization curating exhibitions and workshops to inspire healing and transformation for all women.

AAWAA is a proud community partner and fiscal sponsor.

 For more information, please contact aplace.sf@gmail.com or visit www.aplaceofherown.org.

Partial Funding: San Francisco Arts Commission, California Arts Council, Do A Little Foundation, Pacific Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition
Photos by: Cris Matos, Reiko Fujii, Michael Warr, Teresa Jade LeYung and Cynthia Tom