“I see artwork and writing coming together in an organic way because the fact is that we all use both methods of communication to express ourselves on a daily basis, and that expression amounts to who we are.” -Kelsay Meyers, curator. Aesthetic Blitz is an exhibition in which female artists and poets of mostly Asian American ethnicity showcase work that is central to not only who they are as an artist, but who they are as a person in a large scale collage-like form. The concept of an “aesthetic blitzkrieg” is born out of the way that our minds process identity. We latch onto an image, symbol or word and make it our own in ways that are wholly personal to the individual creator, and this occurs in rapid succession. By presenting all work in a collage-like structure where things overlap or layer in ways that still preserve the integrity of each art piece in itself and visually inundate the audience with aestheticism—as if in an actual explosion where things are fragmented and connected in new ways. This exhibition celebrates how we come to know ourselves: as Asians, as women, as people!
The Sequoias Rotunda Gallery, 1400 Geary Blvd, San Francisco
May 4 – June 24
May 4, 3:30-7:30pm
Kelsay Meyers
Maria T. Allocco | Jasmine An | Sabrina Brett | Rebecca Eckland | Joyce Mortel Familara | Gillian Hamel | C.K.Itamuro | Rupinder Kahlon | Fernanda de Lima | Kyung Sook Moir | Nivedita Ojha | Judy Shintani | Shizue Seigel | Jennifer Sinquefield | Marissa Trierweiler | Nathalie Vanderlinden | Laura Ming Wong | Nellie Wong | Shelley Wong
Sponsored by the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center as part of the 19th annual United States of Asian America Festival 2016.